Before I was able to watch the movie, I already heard a lot of reactions from random friends about Twilight. Most of them were disappointed because it wasn't as good as the book. Well, for someone who has never read the book yet and for someone who's addicted to vampires, I decided to watch it anyway.
I think that it has been proven time and time again that the book will always be better than the movie...and I guess what people don't get is that the movie will only be the best
compressed version of a novel. I mean imagine compressing 2-5 days worth of reading material into a 2-hour movie? Ofcourse it won't have all the meaty details that the book has to offer! So, it was in this thought that I consoled myself about watching the movie first before reading the book. For a change.
I had Gwen check the movie schedule on the newspaper because I really wanted to watch it from the beginning. I picked the time, 3:45PM, Cinema 8 at SM. When we got there at around 3PM there was such a long line at the ticket booth that I was afraid that we couldn't watch it.

Good thing Gwen brought our interns so atleast they got a head start on the line. (Our interns are from Surigao, imagine that! We just love them. :) )

They even bought this large popcorn to share with everyone. Awww... Very nice. :)
Ok so now, MY personal verdict. MY opinion.
I actually liked it. I'm not crazy about it, I don't super love it but I liked it. I like how Bella Swan was put into life in the movie. In the first chapters of the book I found her to be a bit weak (I haven't finished reading the book yet though), but in the movie, she seemed tougher and she did not cry a lot. Actually I did not think she ever cried in the movie.
I did not like how they did the make up for the Cullens though because although I get the idea that they should look pale white, they just ended up looking like they had too much foundation on. I don't know why...but hey this is just my opinion.
And then I expected MORE gore. Mehn. It was 95% love story and 5% gore only. I think there were only two biting scenes. So no vampires were in action most of the time. I don't know if its a refreshing thought or not...but you know, I'm a big fan of Underworld 1 & 2 and Van Helsing...I kinda expected something like that, but you know it wasn't so...It kinda is refreshing.
I love the lines...I don't know if majority of the lines were lifted from the book, because as of press time I'm still on Chapter 3. (I know...I'm only reading it in my PC --ebook-- at the office so I don't get to read it as often).
One thing for sure though, I like it enough for me to look forward to the sequel.
But maybe I'll change my mind after I read the book. Haha. We'll see. :)