"Walking away makes you an honorable man when you realize that your'e no longer getting what you deserve." (or something like that)
"Its better to be alone and feel like a success than be in a relationship and feel like a failure."
"Change. We don't like it. We fear it, but we can't stop it from coming. We either adapt to change or we get left behind. It hurts to grow, anybody who tells you it doesn't is lying, but here's the truth sometimes the more things change the more they stay the same. And sometimes, oh, sometimes change is good. Sometimes change is everything."
"You don't destroy the people you love."
"The thing about addiction is, it never ends well. Because eventually, whatever it is that was getting us high, stops feeling good, and starts to hurt. Still, they say you don't kick the habit until you hit rock bottom. But how do you know when you are there? Because no matter how badly a thing is hurting us, sometimes, letting it go hurts even worse." (this is my favorite)
"Things don't always go the way we want them to. But you just have to get over it. "
AND THEN, there's this scene:
Dr. Derek Shepherd: You know what I talked about with the other Grey? All the things this Grey won't let me say.
Dr. Meredith Grey: You can say anything to me.
Dr. Derek Shepherd: I want to marry you. I want to have kids with you. I want to build us a house. I want to settle down and grow old with you. I want to die when I'm 110 years old in your arms. I don't want 48 uninterrupted hours. I want a lifetime.
[Meredith takes a few steps back]
Dr. Derek Shepherd: . Do you see what happens? I say things like that and you fight the urge to run in the opposite direction. It's okay. I understand. I didn't, but now I do, I do. You're just getting started and I've been doing this for a long time. Deep down you're still an intern, and you're not ready.
Dr. Meredith Grey: I'm not ready right now, but things can stay the way they are and I'll get ready.
Dr. Derek Shepherd: Things can't stay the way they are. We can still meet in the elevator, the on call room. And maybe you'll get ready, and I'll wait. I'll wait until you're ready.
Dr. Meredith Grey: Okay then.
Dr. Derek Shepherd: Yeah, but what if, what if while I'm waiting I meet someone who is ready to give me what I want from you?
Dr. Meredith Grey: What if you do?
[the elevator opens in front of them and Derek steps in]
Dr. Derek Shepherd: I don't know.
[the doors close between them]
Ummm....I can't remember the rest but I'm pretty sure there's more.
eyeloviiit. :)
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