"But life just gets crazy, living life gets hard to do
And I would gladly hit the road, get up and go if I knew."
-Sunday Morning; Maroon 5
True, true.
MOST of the time, things don't go the way we want them to. Just like the line above, it is easy to think about just packing up your stuff and say "Alright, I'm done with life, can I go now?" But then again, it is NOT like that. It cannot be like that. Unless ofcourse you are suicidal--which at times I believe all of us has ever been. (The only reason why we are still alive now is because we realize that its not the way to go--so if one of YOU plan to do so--STOP RIGHT NOW. basaha sa ni.)
One thing I always say myself when I "think" that I am in very deep shtit is that "THIS TOO SHALL PASS." It is a very good advise I got from my friend Karen (I miss you dear) and at 22, meeehn I could really prove that its true.
I got my very first problem when I was in grade 6. I had a fight with my homeroom partner, Kaizan. We were very close friends and at the same time, partners at an activity that required carpentry skills--thus the need to be partnered with a guy. I thought I would never get to finish it without his help. But weeks after we became friends again.
First year HS, I had a very bad experience with "bullying". (I will not elaborate and I will not drop names.) I wanted to transfer to another school, but after one year, I overcame it, and I am the strong person that I am now.
Thesis during college was such a *****! I had partners but I did most of the work. Almost was not able to graduate on time. Took me 2 years and a 1 M gallons of blood, sweat and tears to finish it. But I did. Graduated on time too. :)
And ofcourse there are the occasional heavy heartbreaks. We all go though that, don't we? The nights you spend crying, the aching feeling in the heart every time you wake up. The agony-OH THE AGONY! I talked with a friend before and she said that a heartbreak was the hardest type of pain because you cannot just drink ponstan (or alaxan, perhaps? hehe) and expect the pain to be gone in hours. No. I have had my fair share but eventually...I just got over it. I did think that I never would, but I did. And I am pretty sure that a lot of you can also agree with me on that.
And then ofcourse I can state more of my "troubled" experiences but who would want to read more of that? Thing is, its true. It will all just pass. And eventually, whatever experience that was helps us become better persons--ofcourse if we channel the negative experiences into positive ones. It's just learning how to "carry" it, I guess.
I know, I know...kapoy gyud sha usahay. Its always one problem after another, but life is one whole learning experience. And I guess that is the fun in it. How will you be able to differentiate the feeling of happiness if you do not have the feeling of loneliness to compare it with, right?
You might be asking, why the hell do I sound like a self-help book right now? Let's just put it this way, I am also trying to tell myslef this: "Manna Sayon Alcaraz, you are a warrior, you have been through hell and back, you know you are strong--so come on! THIS TOO SHALL PASS."
nuff said.
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