Monday, November 3, 2008

The MANna who can't be moved

I know its the title of a song that talks about a guy who camped in a busy street with a picture of a girl clutched in his hand asking people if they saw the girl to tell her that he was waiting for her. Pretty extreme measure huh? Well its a funny (in a cute way) song but in this entry, I'm definitely not gonna be talking about me trying to do the exact same thing.

As a matter of fact I am doing the opposite. If you've seen at the top of my site, there's a widget that say's "I am invincible." Well I know no one is invincible. Not unless you're a God...but chances for that too are pretty slim.

All I'm saying is, at this point of my life, I'm tired of being vulnerable to every little thingiemajiggy that life throws at me. So I'm sort of making it my mantra. I'm the invincible Manna. The Manna that can't be moved.

Actually my parents also have a similar mantra. "I am not moved by what I see, I am not moved by what I hear, I am not moved by what I feel. I'm lifting everything up to God."

It's my way of toughening up my act and despite a few slips, it has worked pretty great for me. If things don't go the way I plan to, its not gonna be a big deal anymore. Its tiring to waste my time and energy on things that I no longer have conrtol of so why bother?

I have my God. I have my stars. I have myself.

So whatever it is that life plans to throw at me again, I only have three words to say.


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